What is a Semantic Decoder?

A Semantic Decoder translates an individual's brain activity into speech. To be more specific, scientists collected data on brain activity from several participants using an fMRI data scan, which shows which parts of the brain are busy thinking, feeling, or moving. The data scan can do this by examining how blood flows within the brain. Then, they train the AI by having individuals listen to different stories while inside the data scanner. Lastly, the semantic decoder reconstructs speech when participants listened to a story or even silently imagined one.  

Quick data processing

Semantic decoders are good at processing large amounts of text, books, and data. Due to their capability to do this, they are very efficient at finding specific information, summarizing lengthy texts, and grouping text according to various topics. Semantic decoders improve the ability of computerized systems to understand human language. This is possible by using a natural language processing technique, NLP, that interprets and analyzes language. This branch of artificial intelligence can translate text between languages, summarize large pieces of text, and evaluate the intent and the tone of speech or text.

Language Comprehension

The development of semantic decoders can revolutionize how people communicate. This innovation could possibly help facilitate more effective natural language interactions between people with disabilities and digital systems, which positively contributes to increasing accessibility to language. People with disabilities such as speech impediments, visual impairments, or motor skills may have trouble interacting with others and the world. The development of semantic decoding could offer several options to suit a broad spectrum of individuals. The natural language processing feature allows an individual to communicate in the way the individual is capable.